Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Shabbat Dinner at the Mintz's

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Why do my parents look like this?  What could I have possibly said that would make them react this way?

Lets start from the start.

Since beginning this film, I have learned a lot. I come from a  place where I doubt there is any proof or any tangible existence of God.  I am on a path to investigate this phenomenon and see if I can have any personal experience with what other "believers" claim.  i am not out to make fun or prove wrong - just to see if I can experience anything beyond what i already have - which in retrospect - has been minimal.   What i have learned in my quest is as excited as believers are: those who dont are uncomfortable dsiscussing faith.  Most people reading this blog are following along cautiosly.  "Whats is Billie up to?" - they say to themselves, worried that I might fall over the edge. 

Well I haven't...yet ;)

One thing I have learned, if you have faith you like to talk about it - if you don't - well - you would rather not.

Thats not the case of my parents though.  We were raised with both the Jewish religion, community and faith.  But what I learned as an adult and what I have expressed in earlier posts, that my faith did not carry me through and I am now 37 questioning God, and God's relevance in my life.  Before turning 38 I want some answers and i am looking for them.

We traveled up to Barrie to have Shabbat dinner at my parents house.  Its a long drive with lots of time to reflect.  Today i am bringing Producer, Evan Bellam and our Camera guy Matt.  I told them the first thing my mother was going to do was say something about my facial hair - she always does.

We are going to learn a bit of the world that I come from.  This is the place where I first learned about faith and started me on my spiritual path.  Their greatest gift to me was teaching me the base of leading a spiritual life: to be kind to all people.  That above all is essential to my faith.

Home is where Love comes from

My Pops

My Ma

40 years of Marriage - Amazing role models
 Have you ever been to a Shabbat dinner?  Well most of you have never been to a Shabbat dinner at the Mintz’s.  When we are all in the same room, we are a loud people.  Everyone has an opinion.  And we like to yell: at eachother.  Somehere along the way we learned, in order to be heard, you need to talk louder and since everyone is good at that – it gets really loud.  That’s how I grew up and most of the yelling took place at the one dinner that was mandatory to be at: Shabbat.  It didn’t matter if you had plans, or a date in grade 8 – you could not miss Shabbat.  that was my experience with Judaism.  The things I had to do: go to hebrew school, go to religious school,go to synagogue, go to shabbat: it was all obligation and I was never really asked if that was something I wanted to do.  My parents - with all their good intentions to teach us spirituality and observe our "faith" ended up pushing us away.  Don't get me wrong - if you asked me if I actually wanted to do this stuff I would have probably said yes, because I kinda liked it all, but lots of Jews I know (including some members of my family that have asked to remain anonymous, feel otherwise.)  More about that later if I am allowed 

(thats the thing about faith and religion : people have a hard time being public about it unlike me...)  Although I do find myself watching everything I say.  Definately will write more on that later

 But lets not focus on the negative: because even the yelling part taught me how to express myself and if you know me you know I know how to do that and if you don’t – well google me.  I do – every week to see what is new.  People say I give good google.

Pops makes Challah

Ma makes Shabbat food - Koogle

Chicken Soup for the Soul - with Matzah Balls - the best part of the Matzah
The good stuff – my mother is the best cook.  She makes a mean meal.  She needs to open a restaurant called "Jewish Mother" and go toe to toe with Caplansky’s.  You want to learn about Jewish food?: go there


so ALL THE NON jEWISH PEOPLE ARE ASKING: what is Shabbat besides Jewish Food? – in a nutshell: you bring in the Sabbbath with prayer and dinner with your family.  My mother lights the candles, my dad does the prayer over the wine and whoever was lucky enough got to cut the bread and then we passed it around the table, ripping a piece.  you want more info then look it up here

lighting the Shabbat candles

Cutting the bread and saying the prayer

It was nice to have Shabbat with my parents.  Especially when on this quest for God and questioning my faith.  I had something I wanted to tell my parents the reason I brought my crew up to Barrie and reveal to them what this doc is really about.  It was important to me to tell my parents first what i am really doing in this doc before I tell the rest of the world.  Its my duty as a son.  I owe my parents everything and I never want to make them feel bad or disrespect them.  it was the way I was raised.  My parents mean everything to me and although I may question God, I dont question their divinity one bit.  they are the ones that provided a life for me and loved me and the reason i became the person i am today and for that and everything they have done for me, i am grateful.

so why, you ask, does my mother react like this?  What could I have possibly said to them?

In time.  It will all be revealed.  Just like God.  I only hope...